
aeq Blog

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Choosing the Right CMS for Canadian Credit Unions Post-Forge Migration
Breaking Down the Old Framework: Moving Beyond Forge As Canadian credit unions migrate from Central 1’s Forge platform, selecting the right Content Management System (CMS) becomes a crucial decision. Forge...
How Financial Chatbots Are Transforming Digital Banking
How Financial Chatbots Are Transforming Digital Banking
While customer expectations in today’s digital world are continuously changing, banking chatbots with...
What is User Experience Design?
By the time you read my description of user experience design (UXD), it will have changed again. But...
Does Digital Banking Apply to Small Banks?
Does Digital Banking Apply to Small Banks?
According to the 2017 report by The Financial Brand on retail banking trends and predictions, major trends...
Unpacking the UX Design Process
Unpacking the UX Design Process
We all yearn to build something meaningful. Something that is relevant to humans and serves a deeper...
What is Digital Product Design?
“Don’t you guys make it look pretty?” This is a question often overheard from people who don’t really...
3 Reasons Why User Experience Matters
A user’s first impression of your site or app will determine whether he or she will continue through...
Exploring Digital Banking in the US, Canada, and Europe
Exploring Digital Banking in the US, Canada, and Europe
Last month, the aequilibrium digital banking team embarked upon a world tour to discover, connect, and...
Sneaker Con iOS App Wins VanUX Awards "Best UX"
Sneaker Con iOS App Wins VanUX Awards "Best UX"
Two wins for aequilibrium We are excited to announce the iOS mobile app we built for our amazing clients...
How to Help Customers Achieve New Year's Goals With Technology
How to Help Customers Achieve New Year's Goals With Technology
Earlier this year, our Founder and CEO Adrian Moise published an article in the Journal of Digital Banking....
How To Ask User Experience Questions
How To Ask User Experience Questions
As the year wraps up, we’re also starting to think about how we can get ahead before the New Year begins....
4 Ways to Attract New Banking Customers With Technology
4 Ways to Attract New Banking Customers With Technology
Customers have a lot of options when it comes to choosing apps or services for most everyday tasks, such...
Why You Should Use a Serverless Microservices Architecture
Why You Should Use a Serverless Microservices Architecture
The last few years have seen a rise in interest in exciting new concepts such as serverless and microservices...
Designing the Polar Experience
Designing the Polar Experience
Last week, we published an article on the concept and planning of Polar iOS. We mentioned that as a digital...
Using ARKit to Develop Polar iOS
iOS was the natural starting point for Polar. As a primarily iOS-focused developer, we were able to leverage...
An ROI Model of Experience-Driven Banking in the Digital Age
An ROI Model of Experience-Driven Banking in the Digital Age
The commoditization of traditional banking products has altered the playing field of banking. Banks and...
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