Credit Union Leaders Join Aequilibrium for a Design Thinking Workshop

When your credit union has complex problems to solve, sometimes it helps to think outside the box. In this case, literally.

A group of credit union leaders recently joined Aequilibrium’s Design Thinking Workshop, hosted by the renowned Martin Reed. The group gained an understanding of the mindsets and methods behind design thinking and spent time brainstorming and designing solutions for the real problems their credit unions are facing.

Design thinking black box

Prior to the workshop, each participant received a mysterious, black Think Box containing all the tools they would need to get started with design thinking (as well as a few extra items just for fun). Together, they interviewed each other to fully understand the problems to solve. Then they developed outside-the-box solutions, received feedback, and iterated their solution into a potential design. They each came up with a creative solution that could possibly be implemented with a few more tweaks!

The ideas that came up during the workshop were remarkable: from creating a mentorship community between business members and advisors, to virtual piggy banks for kids to learn about banking! The participants got a lot out of it too, with 100% saying they’d be interested in joining a future session. Not only did they learn about design thinking, but also the challenges faced by other credit unions.

Design Thinking workshop

Credit unions leaders participate in our Design Thinking workshop on Zoom

Here are just a few of the comments we received:

“This was an incredible experience. Everything from the invitation to participate, to receiving the think box, to the actual workshop was well thought out, exciting and impactful… I am shocked that it was free – I would have expected to pay for a workshop like that. Thank you for a great experience – I am going to share what I’ve learned with my team at work.”

“Loved hearing all the design ideas and how people worked. Martin was knowledgeable, timely and effective.”

“Great workshop today. Both in the learnings and the other credit union challenges and feedback. I feel very grateful to be included!”

Interested in joining the next workshop? Join our wait list and we’ll invite you to the next one.